Difference between revisions of "LOSTCANARY (deck)"

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(Created page with "{{Decks To Make}}{{Deck|deckid=LOSTCANARY|deckname=Lost Canary|description=On Earth-2 Laurel Lance lost her way and became the villainous Black Siren, instead of the heroic Bl...")
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{{Decks To Make}}{{Deck|deckid=LOSTCANARY|deckname=Lost Canary|description=On Earth-2 Laurel Lance lost her way and became the villainous Black Siren, instead of the heroic Black Canary.|datemade=To Be Made|datereleased=To Be Released|decknameimage=lostcanary|master badges=[[file:lostcanary_master.png]]|notes=|deckCategory=Category:Arrow Decks|releasedCategory=Category:Unreleased|deckNameCategory=Category:Lost Canary|deckType=Category:Character}}
{{Deck|deckid=LOSTCANARY| deckname=Lost Canary| description=On Earth-2 Laurel Lance lost her way and became the villainous Black Siren, instead of the heroic Black Canary.| datemade=2021-01-05| datereleased=To Be Released| decknameimage=lostcanary| master badges=[[file:lostcanary_master.png]]| notes=| deckCategory=Category:Arrow Decks| releasedCategory=Category:Unreleased| deckNameCategory=Category:Lost Canary| deckType=Category:Character}}

Revision as of 09:02, 5 January 2021


Deck Name: Lost Canary

Description: On Earth-2 Laurel Lance lost her way and became the villainous Black Siren, instead of the heroic Black Canary.

Date Made: 2021-01-05

Date Released: To Be Released

Deck Image Name: lostcanary

Lostcanary01.png Lostcanary02.png Lostcanary03.png Lostcanary04.png Lostcanary05.png
Lostcanary06.png Lostcanary07.png Lostcanary08.png Lostcanary09.png Lostcanary10.png
Lostcanary11.png Lostcanary12.png Lostcanary13.png Lostcanary14.png Lostcanary15.png
Lostcanary16.png Lostcanary17.png Lostcanary18.png Lostcanary19.png Lostcanary20.png

Master Badges

Lostcanary master.png


[View the deck on the site]